Each one-cup serving boasts half your daily recommended manganese, more than a quarter of your daily recommended vitamin B6 and potassium, 65 percent of your daily vitamin C and a whopping 769 percent of your daily vitamin A.

Complex carbohydrates are the preferred type of carbohydrates when you’re looking to improve body composition, improve weight loss, or increase muscle gain. Both sweet potatoes and yams are a great source of complex carbohydrates. Typically only found at international markets, true yams have white flesh and are starchier and drier than sweet potatoes. Sweet Potato Vs Yams Similarities And Differences.Orange-fleshed sweet potatoes are very rich in Vitamin A (beta carotene), while yams don’t contain any.Here are a few more farm facts to digest: They fall into two categories: “firm” and “soft.” Firm sweet potatoes remain hard when cooked and were produced long before the soft variety, which becomes soft and moist after cooking. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, are dicots – having two embryonic seed leaves – and, like carrots, are storage roots. Native to Africa and Asia, yams are classified as monocots – plants with only one embryonic seed leaf – and are tubers, along with potatoes. Now you will be able to tell if the grocery store yam is actually a sweet potato There is also a significant difference in taste with sweet potatoes being. In fact, the yam shares more traits with a daylily than it does with a sweet potato. Sure, both are angiosperms, or flowering plants, but the similarities stop there.

Remove and sprinkle with remaining bacon. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with remaining cheese then broil until cheese is golden. Cover the casserole with aluminum foil and bake for 30-40 minutes or until fork tender (will depend on how thin your potato slices are). Did you think yams and sweet potatoes were the same vegetable? Well, you’re not alone – it’s a fairly common mistake for Americans to refer to certain varieties of sweet potatoes as yams. Search for: How heavy is a large sweet potato Posted on JanuBy Rishad Hasan.